
Cultivate & Motivate

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when manifesting your true self.

Mecoclub Mecoclub

Should you hire a video production company, use an iPhone, or both?

if you want quality videos with a variety of purposes, and I know that you do, then the phone is just another marketing tool in our video production arsenal and it’s all about the deliverables. Hire a team of professionals with the right tools and right skills for the job and your commercial will look movie ready, your promos will be quick and effective, and your behind the scenes footage will be engaging content that keeps the sales and engagement funnel moving forward, and that’s the point of video marketing.

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Mecoclub Mecoclub

Three Types of Videos That You Can Use to Build Your Business

Getting started with video marketing when you’ve never done it before can be very intimidating. It’s a great unknown that takes a lot of creative effort and energy. Research has shown that though video marketing is the most effective form of advertising for businesses of all sizes, it’s also historically hard for business owners to begin using videos for marketing because they just don’t know where or how to start. There are numerous unanswered questions and fears that make it hard to make this decision and but making no decision will inevitably leave money on the table.

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Mecoclub Mecoclub

The Numbers Behind Video Marketing

Not knowing where to start can be the most overwhelming feeling with any project or situation. Our experience in film and creative industries helps us to be creative for you. We can take the reins, pitch our best ideas, and walk you through the process. A good video production company should be a powerful tool at your disposal and it should take the struggle out of building your brand.


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Mecoclub Mecoclub

Video Production: Fundraising

Here’s another pro-tip: A lot of people get stuck, feeling like they have to have it all together before pitching investors, but you just need the basic ground work. Sometimes the most important thing is putting a product on the shelf. The longer you spend trying to dot all the I’s and cross all the T’s, is more time that your project isn’t getting funded. A good idea keeps developing even after it all starts to move forward. I learned this after years in the restaurant industry where we would keep trying to perfect a dish or drink, and meanwhile we’re cooking food for ourselves that our customers want now. Put a product on the shelf that you're proud of but don’t consider it finished, just consider it started.

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Mecoclub Mecoclub

And You Get A Video, And You Get A Video, And You Get A Video, Everyone Get’s A Video

What’s great about this approach for small business owners is that you’re often running a day to day business. The content that you need for social media is happening organically every day, and all it takes is a skilled camera operator and editor and in just a few hours of shooting, a lot of content could be created. Enough to keep customers thinking about your products and services and at a high enough quality that it’s worth paying to advertise to new customers and create new leads, not to mention the natural views through shares, clicks, and likes.

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Mecoclub Mecoclub

Hammering Away at a Common Misunderstanding 

In our roles as video creators and filmmakers, we often see people pushing their new ideas but it’s what we’d often describe as a “gentle” push. Maybe they make a social media page, or they post something on a personal social media page about their new business, dream, or goal and then they just wait for it to hit. Some people go further and they make a quick website or at least buy a domain. It’s not enough though, these don’t automatically make for traffic, sales, or successful business.

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Mecoclub Mecoclub

Being a Person of Action

In our roles as video creators and filmmakers, we often see people pushing their new ideas but it’s what we’d often describe as a “gentle” push. Maybe they make a social media page, or they post something on a personal social media page about their new business, dream, or goal and then they just wait for it to hit. Some people go further and they make a quick website or at least buy a domain. It’s not enough though, these don’t automatically make for traffic, sales, or successful business.

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Mecoclub Mecoclub

Trust and Authentic Branding

In video marketing, the average consumer now has a radar, and they are searching for authenticity and personal stories. They want to identify with the products and services that they are purchasing. Because of this mentality, everything becomes more powerful when it has a story behind it.

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